Thursday, August 21, 2008

Come on party people!

Last night I met an awesome group of ladies! Jenn C wanted to liven up her party with some Sylphworks Henna. Thanks, Jenn!

Bored + Extra Henna = Jamie Doodling!

While Jeremy and I were watching our latest Netflix, I decided to play around with some henna.

Some doodling from earlier. Except this time my mom got in on the action!

Asian flava'

Laura is about to get her second tattoo, but wanted a little henna to test out the placement before sealing the deal.


This mama-to-be has a big surprise coming!

**UPDATE** She had a healthy baby boy! Welcome, Robert!

Wow! Time flies!

It has been far too long since I have updated the blog.
It's time to post some new photos!